Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Following the resignation of Steve Scott from Burlescombe Parish Council for health reasons, there is now a vacancy on the Council. An image of the Notice of Vacancy is below.

If – within 14 days of the notice being published on the Mid Devon District Council website and in our parish noticeboards – an election is requested by 10 people on the electoral register for Burlescombe, an election will be held. If that request to the Returning Officer isn’t made, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

Co-option would mean a process through which people could put themselves forward to become a councillor, and then the current Burlescombe Parish Councillors would vote to decide who would join the Council.

In essence, it is up to parishioners to decide whether they would like:

– an election through which they actively choose their new representative through a democratic vote.
– a co-option, a quicker and often less expensive route, but one that doesn’t give the wider community a direct say in the decision.

We will update you on the next steps for either an election or co-option once the 14 days have passed.